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(Download) "Triumph of Mercy" by Grace O Nwankpa * eBook PDF Kindle ePub Free

Triumph of Mercy

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eBook details

  • Title: Triumph of Mercy
  • Author : Grace O Nwankpa
  • Release Date : January 12, 2021
  • Genre: Religion & Spirituality,Books,
  • Pages : * pages
  • Size : 705 KB


God is kind and merciful and does not want anyone to perish. He desires to relate with you and that is why He created you. To ensure that you are reconnected to Him and that you are saved He sent His son.

Jesus came to justify you and make you acceptable to God. He accomplished this at His death on the cross for those who believe and accept His finished work. Those who depend on the keeping of the Old Testament law to be saved are under a curse because the scripture says that if one faults in one, one is guilty of breaking all (Jam. 2:10). It means that rarely will anyone be saved, but it is not God’s wish. If that was His wish, He would not have paid such a costly prize for the world.

For the above reason, God made a new law which is less burdensome and more practicable when He saw that you are not able to keep the old law as expected.

Jesus who encouraged you to forgive unconditionally and who gave His life to wash away your sins and who is presently interceding for you will not judge and condemn you if you accept Him and His offer of grace.

This book emphasizes that (1) Jesus will never reject those who accept His finished work on the cross and states that having accepted Jesus as their personal lord and savior, they will no longer be condemned.

Jesus did not reject any of His disciples their weaknesses notwithstanding. He rather declared them holy (Jn. 13:1–13). By so doing, He showed us that those who accept Him will not be rejected by His father whose desire it is that all be saved. God will not reject you. You are the only one who can deny yourself entrance. In John 6:37–40, Jesus said that all that His father gave Him will come to Him and all that come to Him, He will not cast away.

(2) It shows the mercy of God to humanity and sets to guide man to accept His grace. 

(3) It illustrates how the mercy of God through Christ triumphed over the judgement of the Old Testament through Moses. 

(4) It will help you understand the consequences of sin on Christians and non-Christians and states that without Jesus you cannot withstand the fiery darts of the enemy. 

(5) It points out the functions of the Old Testament and the New Testament laws. 

(6) It highlights ways of worshiping God, why some prayers are not answered and the prerequisite for getting prayers answered. 

(7) Stresses the importance of the study and obedience to the word of God.

This book will guide you to live a holy and peaceful life, free from the burden of sin and sin consciousness as it points out the negative effects of sin consciousness; anxiety, worry, fear, uncontrolled talking, lack of contentment and a new form of idol worship. It integrated the views of some renowned men of God and authors and quoted the bible extensively.

It challenges the idea that Christians would be judged and consequently questions the good in the good news of the birth and death of Jesus if after accepting Jesus as your personal lord and savior Christians would be judged and condemned if they slip in error. In addition to that, the scriptures did not say that Christians would be judged but the world.

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